Disable Google Search Text Highlights is a accessibility chrome extension. it's a free extension , it has 3,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 4.74 from 54 rated user, last update is 865 days ago.
Google search results sometimes highlight text snippets on pages opened from search results. The feature can sometimes be annoying, however currently there's no way to disable it from browser preferences. This extension has been created to override it and disable the highlights. Disable Google Search Text Highlights is open source software: https://github.com/everyonesdesign/disable-google-search-text-highlights ☕ If you like the extension you can buy a coffee for the author here: https://buymeacoff.ee/everyonesdesign ============ Changelog 2.0.0 - use runPatiently function to run as early as possible - replace the links instead of updating urls - run the script earlier (to make sure the links are replaced by the time the page is loaded) 1.1.0 - Only change href if text fragment is present - Drop trailing "#" caused by text fragment 1.0.0 Major release - Lower permissions level (specific domains instead of all_urls) - Replace only :~:text piece of fragment directives, leaving other directives untouched - Fix: remove text fragment for URLs with hashes - Add tests 0.0.5 - Improve pattern for matching all the Google domains 0.0.4 - Fix an issue with breaking "Tools" buttons functionality on Google 0.0.2 - Initial stable version ============ Tags: Scroll to Text Fragment, fragmentDirective textFragment
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83% user give 5-star rating, 10% user give 4-star rating, 7% user give 1-star rating. Read reviews of disable google search text highlights
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This extension fixes the top-level search result links, but not the "People Also Ask" links. I wrote this little Javascript which removes the text highlighting from ALL links, even if they appear after the initial page load. Just add the script to Tampermonkey or Styler for Google.com. /* Remove text highlighting from Google search result links */ var it=0; function f(){ if(it==0||document.hasFocus()){ it++; for(var a of document.querySelectorAll('a[href]')){ var i=a.href.indexOf('#:~:text='); if(i>0)a.href=a.href.substr(0,i); } } } $(document).ready(function(){var iv=setInterval(f,500);});
Thank you. I am in a graduate program and have to do key word searches every week. it is very annoying to pull up a primary source and have highlighting for what google "thinks" I am looking for.
Seems to work. The highlighting feature is hot garbage and it's infuriating that a. google thought it was a good idea, and b. there's no native way to disable it.