What is Sellha?
Sellha is a search tools chrome extension.
it's a
free extension
it has 10,000+ active users
since released
its first version, it earns an average rating
of 5.00
from 4 rated
user, last update
is 610 days ago.
What’s new in version 1.0.0?
쉽다. 편리하다. 여기에 다 ㅡ 있다.셀러를 위한 종합 솔루션. 시간도 경험도 부족한 셀러를 위해 실무 베테랑들이 뭉쳤다! 똑똑한 셀러들이 찾는 아이템 분석 플랫폼 셀링하니!
셀하(셀링하니) 서비스 이용에 필요한 셀하 크롬 확장프로그램 입니다.
원활한 서비스 이용을 위해서 확장프로그램을 꼭 설치해주세요.
How to install Sellha?
You could download the latest version
crx file or older version files and install it.
Technical Features:
Latest Version: 1.0.0
- Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
License: Free
update: Friday, April 21st, 2023
Author: ilovemalanghoney
Sellha Available
What about others talk
about sellha chrome extension?
100% user
give 5-star rating. Read
of sellha
How could i get help if there is something wrong
with sellha chrome
You could find more help information from
sellha support page.
How could i contact the developer
of sellha chrome
You could send emails to publisher, or check publisher's website.
What privacy
data sellha chrome
extension collect?
What are the required permissions for extensions?
- tabs
- declarativeNetRequest
- declarativeNetRequestFeedback
- declarativeNetRequestWithHostAccess
- storage
- *://*.sellha.kr/*
- *://*.sellha.co.kr/*
- *://*.sellha.net/*
- *://*.naver.com/*
- http://localhost/*
More about manifest_file
How could i report abuse
of sellha chrome extension?
You could click to report abuse
of sellha.