Prospect Role: Business email finder chrome extension

Version: 0.2
Prospect Role: Business email finder
Find verified business emails - in real time
5.00 Based on 4 user rates

What is Prospect Role: Business email finder?

Prospect Role: Business email finder is a email extension for chrome. also, it is email hunter extension and email finder extension and linkedin email finder extension. it's a free extension and is featured in Productivity, it has 410 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 5.00 from 4 rated user, last update is 644 days ago.

What’s new in version 0.2?

                This extension is a productivity life saver. It will help you look for business emails on social profiles like LinkedIn. Email are being found in real-time with very high accuracy.

You might find less emails then with other competitor tools, but we can guarantee a very high accuracy for the email that were found and being marked as valid. This will help you reach a very low or non existing bounce rate which will protect your senders address/domain reputation.

Very simple an intuitive usage will store the result in the native Prospect Role Application list that you can export at any time. Exports format available are CSV or XLS - typical Excel formats.  

The prospects will be deleted after 30 days which goes in line with our GDPR compliance rules. Your data is yours and is not shared with any third party application. 

The extension is most useful for Sales development representatives, Recruitment agencies and anyone else who is trying to save time while prospecting. 

The Prospect Role application will allow you to cover all aspects of painful prospecting for the purpose of email or social (LinkedIn) outreach;

- Generation of Role specific prospects (Look for our other Prospect Role extension) 
- Data enrichment of LinekedIn profiles with company information (such as company domain)
- Bulk Email search (searching for business emails)
- Writing Icebreakers (Customize the personalized message per prospects so you increase the chances of replies when doing email or social outreach)            

How to install Prospect Role: Business email finder?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Prospect Role: Business email finder

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 0.2
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Sunday, December 4th, 2022
  • Author: Prospect Role

Prospect Role: Business email finder Available languages:



Reviews of prospect role: business email finder:

Fabienne Roth December 11th, 2022
Fabienne Roth

As an Account Manager, I'm constantly looking for new leads to keep my pipelines full. It's usually a painful process - but not with the new Prospect Role Blue extension. It helps me find verified emails that actually get delivered (no bounces!) straight from the person's LinkedIn profile in seconds. I also LOVE their new platform - there's one feature I've never seen before which has completely changed how I can prospect - the Icebreaker. It allows you to add a personalised piece of info for each lead which you can then incorporate into each email you send. Love it!

Mia Robin December 4th, 2022
Mia Robin

The easiest way to find business emails on LinkedIn! Highly accurate too - almost no email bounces so far!

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