Simplify Object Manager chrome extension

Version: 1.0.52
Simplify Object Manager
Simplify Object Manager is a robust tool used to capture the web elements in order to get a list of its properties.
5.00 Based on 11 user rates

What is Simplify Object Manager?

Simplify Object Manager is a developer tools chrome extension. it's a free extension and is featured in Developer Tools, it has 134 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 5.00 from 11 rated user, last update is 703 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.0.52?

                Are you looking for an easy, free highly effective extension that automates test elements? 
At Simplify3X our launched tools reduce tedious attempts of test design and automation by THREE times over as compared to traditional automation tools. This is where the new Object Manager comes in like a superhero waiting to eliminate menial tasks and provide superior, high-quality project management.
Object Manager (OM) is a robust, analytical tool that helps to capture web elements needed for automation testing. It’s also designed to optimize CSS selectors, XPath, and identify other web properties to be usable across test cases. 

	Optimized and short xpaths.
	Object inspector can handle several changes with respect to page layout.

Steps to Register
	Register after adding the plug-in to your browser.
	Create a new project using “create project” option.
	Assign a registered user using “Assign user” option.
	Add an unregistered user to an existing project using “Invite User”. Then, a registration link will be sent to the user’s email.

Types of Views: 
	Navigational Dashboards
	List of Operations
	Navigate to Module
	Navigate to Objects
	View list of users associated to a project     
	As a Creator: Delete project & Remove a user
	As a Contributor: Leave project
	Object List View: Hierarchical view of objects (Project → Module → Pages)
	List of Operations
	Add Module: Grouping of related objects. 
	Delete Module / Page / Objects

Tag team members to projects 

Users can create new projects and tag people to form new teams. Team members with no credentials to Simplify3x-OM will receive an invitation to register. Once registered, they will be accepted into the team. 

Renaming the objects attributes
To provide clarity, users rename captured objects. To rename objects, click on the object in the left navigation panel. All propertied captured for the object get listed on the right panel. Then rename the desired attributes and save changes made.

Deleting the objects captured
Delete an object by clicking on the delete icon beside the object in the left navigation pane.

Download the captured objects
There’s a feature to export all objects of a specific project by hovering on the download button located on the top right corner. The supported formats that can be downloaded include: 
	Excel 

Library Integrations
Simplify QA – Object Manager has library extensions where users can utilize the object repository. The integration supports SDK in programming languages and after successful implementation can be used in coding tools. 

Supported Browsers
	Chrome
	Firefox

Feel free to write to us for any further information, clarifications, or feedback. We would love to hear from you. You can reach us at [email protected]

About Simplify3X
Simplify3X began as a functional UI test automation tool addressing script less and in-sprint automation using agile methodology. Later, API testing capability along with DB testing capability was added. Our expansion and growth have seen massive improvement as we have added requirement management, project management, release management, test management and defect management capabilities within the platform. The demand to support multiple platforms on the mobile (both Android and iOS) and mainframe was also taken into consideration. We also launch in the Malaysia Market and then the US markets respectively. This makes us a global presence in three countries so far with more plans of expansion and growth internationally.

Why choose Simplify3X?
Simplify3X has devised an in-house automation tool called SimplifyQA - a platform that serves as a one stop solution for all software testing needs. It’s a complete ALM tool encompassing Requirement Management, QA & Testing, Issue & Defect Management including Impact Analysis. SimplifyQA offers simplified, UI driven and script less Test Automation, Management & Reporting capabilities as built-in standard features.
SimplifyQA requires no knowledge of coding and require very less time on training resources. It allows functional testers to write test cases only once they serve the dual features of manual plus automation. Additionally, it’s intended to development and test teams become lean and enhance quality. It also enables functioning in dual environments - Agile & Non-Agile            

How to install Simplify Object Manager?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Simplify Object Manager

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.0.52
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Monday, October 17th, 2022
  • Author: SimplifyQA Object Manager

Simplify Object Manager Available languages:

English (UK).


Reviews of simplify object manager:

Manjunath dixith May 4th, 2022
Manjunath dixith

Flexible tool that can be configured for any web application. Very useful tool for storehouse or hub for the test objects and properties used in the testcases and reduces effort of manual XPATH/CSS identification. Objects can be downloaded in to a file and can be used to multiple projects.

prabal biswas April 29th, 2022
prabal biswas

This is an excellent tool for Object Repository Management has all the features which usually comes with any licensed product like UFT. Automatically indicates if any of the elements have undergone any change. Can be integrated with any framework and is very user friendly

visakh S T April 28th, 2022
visakh S T

Excellent tool for Object Management. Identifies exhaustive list of properties for object like xpath, id, css etc. Objects can be shared across resouces/teams. Provides SDK supports for integration with any automation framework. Works well with simplifyQA

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