Videobar on YouTube chrome extension

Version: 1.6.5
Videobar on YouTube
Create and program your own Videobar on YouTube or copy any YouTube annotations to your videos!
3.75 Based on 28 user rates

What is Videobar on YouTube?

Videobar on YouTube is a youtube extension for chrome. it's a free extension , it has 642 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 3.75 from 28 rated user, last update is 3534 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.6.5?

                Create and edit your own Videobar on YouTube or copy any YouTube annotations to your videos!

Key features:

- Sign in using your YouTube account.
- Create and edit Videobar annotations on YouTube!
- Program the Videobar the way you want!
- Copy YouTube annotations to your videos easily.
- Automatically updates channel and video links inside the annotations.

This extension is currently in beta. Email me when there's a bug.

© 2014 any.TV Limited

**1.6 Change Logs**
1. Logout Bug fixe
2. Localization (en-US and zh-TW)
3. Improvements
4. More secured google authentication            

How to install Videobar on YouTube?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Videobar on YouTube

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.6.5
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Monday, January 5th, 2015
  • Author: freedom-labs

Videobar on YouTube Available languages:

English (United States), 中文 (繁體).


  • What about others talk about videobar on youtube chrome extension?

    29% user give 5-star rating, 14% user give 4-star rating, 14% user give 3-star rating, 43% user give 1-star rating. Read reviews of videobar on youtube

  • How could i get help if there is something wrong with videobar on youtube chrome extension?

    You could find more help information from videobar on youtube support page.

  • How could i contact the developer of videobar on youtube chrome extension?

    You could send emails to publisher, or check publisher's website.

  • What are the required permissions for extensions?

    • identity
    • tabs
    • storage

    More about manifest_file of videobar on youtube.

  • How could i report abuse of videobar on youtube chrome extension?

    You could click to report abuse of videobar on youtube.

Reviews of videobar on youtube:

grace willcox January 27th, 2019
grace willcox

Well and it was very good because the past six months When The Going it was amazing

Raven Endsville April 11th, 2015
Raven Endsville

It is dead!!!

uDc India January 5th, 2015
uDc India


Read more review & comments of videobar on youtube