Brightery Marketing Tool chrome extension

Brightery Marketing Tool
Brightery Marketing tools
4.00 Based on 4 user rates

What is Brightery Marketing Tool?

Brightery Marketing Tool is a search tools chrome extension. it's a free extension , it has 90 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 4.00 from 4 rated user, last update is 1404 days ago.

What’s new in version

                Brightery marketing tool, 

7 days trial version is available, create an account at and just login.

Thousands of companies in 100+ countries use Brightery apps to be more productive everyday.
Work smarter with Brightery!

Create a free account at:

Report your feedback and issues to:
[email protected]            

How to install Brightery Marketing Tool?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Brightery Marketing Tool

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version:
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Wednesday, February 17th, 2021
  • Author: Brightery

Brightery Marketing Tool Available languages:



Reviews of brightery marketing tool:

Roqaiaa AlAli February 24th, 2019
Roqaiaa AlAli

Brightery Facebook Business Scraper is one of the most amazing products i've purchased from brightery, It's special scraper that allows you to make more scrapping things from facebook social media platform. it worth every single dollar i paid them <3

Ahmad El-Saeed January 23rd, 2019
Ahmad El-Saeed

Love it <3

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