Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator chrome extension

Version: 7.20.0
Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator
Saladict is an all-in-one professional pop-up dictionary and page translator which supports multiple search modes, page…
4.89 Based on 1,573 user rates

What is Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator?

Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator is a language translator extension for chrome. it's a free extension and is featured in Productivity, it has 500,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 4.89 from 1,573 rated user, last update is 1158 days ago.

What’s new in version 7.20.0?

                Saladict is a professional inline translator

Looking Up Words Has Never Been Easier
  - Saladict supports mixed use of multiple search modes.
  - Whether it be single-click, double-click, pop-up icon, hovering or keyboard shortcuts, you name it.
  - The combination of dictionaries is dynamically adjusted according to search text and Saladict profile.

Good Words Are Kept, Safe and Sound
  - Saladict comes with search history and a vocabulary notebook.
  - Context of each word is captured and saved.
  - WebDAV synchronization, Anki card generation, Shanbay word list, or exporting plaintext in any format.

Multilingual Support, More Than You Expect
  - Although Saladict is built for looking up English words, it also supports many other languages.
  - Chinese (simplified and traditional), Japanese, Korean, French, German and Spanish are supported with dictionaries.
  - Other languages are supported with several machine translation services.
  - Each dictionary is well polished to a unify style for comfortable reading experience.

Reading Foreign Essay Is a Piece of “Paper”
  - Saladict has three default profiles - Scholar Mode, Translation Mode and Sentence Mode.
  - These may come in handy when reading, translating and writing essays in foreign language.
  - There is also a build-in PDF viewer which can be used in conjunction with sidebar-mode standalone search panel.

Saladict 7 正式发布!Firefox 同步发布!

如果发现页面显示不对请及时通过 反馈。

  - 精选大量词典,手工打磨排版,涵盖几乎所有领域
  - 自动发音,可选不同词典、英美音
  - 各个词典支持个性化调整
  - 整个网页翻译,谷歌和有道分级网页翻译
  - 右键支持更多词典页面直达
  - 支持四种划词方式,支持鼠标悬浮取词
  - 查词面板可钉住可拖动可输入
  - 钉住可以配置不同划词方式
  - 每个情境模式下设置相互独立,快速切换
  - 支持设置浏览器快捷键
  - 三按 ctrl 打开快捷查词
  - 点击地址栏图标快速查词(可设快捷键)
  - 保存上下文以及翻译,准确理解单词
  - 可保存查词历史
支持 PDF 划词
  - 支持 PDF 黑白名单

1. 安装后请刷新已打开的页面以加载词典,由于安全的原因扩展在谷歌商店的页面无效。
2. 双语例句因频率有限制,建议设置取消“默认展开”,需要再点开看。
3. 有的英英词典国内的朋友可能需要梯子,具体点一下词典的图标看能不能打开网页。


- 划词需要访问网页数据
- 快速查词会直接搜索剪贴板文字
- 访问一些词典服务器需要修改 cookies

- 百度翻译
- 必应词典
- 美国传统词典
- 牛津高阶词典
- 彩云小译
- 剑桥词典
- CNKI翻译助手
- 柯林斯高阶
- Etymonline
- 双语例句
- 谷歌翻译
- 谷歌词典
- 国语辞典
- 沪江小D
- 小鸡词典
- 句酷
- Lexico
- 两岸词典
- 朗文词典
- 麦克米伦
- MOJi辞書
- Naver韩国语词典
- 人人词典
- 搜狗翻译
- 腾讯翻译君
- Urban
- Weblio 辞書
- Weblio 英和和英
- 韦氏词典
- 韦氏学习词典
- 维基百科
- 有道词典
- 有道翻译
- 汉典

觉得好用的话欢迎留个好评帮助更多朋友发现本扩展!设计与开发本扩展均由作者一人花费大量私人时间与精力完成,并承诺一直开源免费无广告。欢迎随喜打赏 coffee 以支持继续开发,多少不重要,请务必告诉我你有多喜欢这个扩展!            

How to install Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 7.20.0
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Thursday, October 21st, 2021
  • Author: CRIMX

Saladict - Pop-up Dictionary and Page Translator Available languages:

English, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體).


Reviews of saladict - pop-up dictionary and page translator:

Travis Stone April 4th, 2023
Travis Stone

poor translate

Timon JK January 9th, 2023
Timon JK

it's ok, but sometimes, the " search selected text outside of browser." doesn't work.

陳學翰 December 27th, 2022


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