Unfriendly – Facebook Unfriend Notifications is a facebook extension for chrome. also, it is alerts extension and notification extension and notifications extension. it's a free extension and is featured in Social & Communication, it has 4,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 3.14 from 81 rated user, last update is 2030 days ago.
Unfriendly will show you a notification when someone unfriends you on Facebook. You can also click the browser button to see how your friend list changed over time (since you installed Unfriendly). Unlike similar extensions, Unfriendly sends no data at all to anyone, so your privacy is safe. Facebook is the only site it contacts, to check your friend list. Unfriendly is free and contains no ads. Install it now and you will always know when someone removes you on Facebook! If you like it, please rate it and tell your friends or share on social media! Unfriendly is not affiliated with Facebook. The name Facebook is a trademark of Facebook Inc.
You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.
31% user give 5-star rating, 3% user give 4-star rating, 21% user give 3-star rating, 17% user give 2-star rating, 28% user give 1-star rating. Read reviews of unfriendly – facebook unfriend notifications
You could find more help information from unfriendly – facebook unfriend notifications support page.
You could send emails to publisher, or check publisher's website.
More about manifest_file of unfriendly – facebook unfriend notifications.
You could click to report abuse of unfriendly – facebook unfriend notifications.
It worked fine.. but now (march 2020) it keeps asks to be logged in , which I am. and doesn't work..
This was a great application but it stopped working a week ago & now says I have no friends on FB so no unfriends yet.
Dec 5, '19: It usually works great, usually very quickly too, but at some point I lost a friend in the last couple days and it didn't notify me. It's count is also constantly off and randomly it will say all my friends unfriended me and added me back. Idk how to fix that or what the issue is. I would love a feature to manually refresh, or keep a log. Edit: Feb 18 '20: Just recently, during one of the instances I described previously when all my friends unfriend me and add me back, someone actually unfriended me and now I can't tell who because the list doesn't extend that far. Also it says I have 0 friends. Please include some kind of log or longer history.