Reviews & Comments of Tab Thumbnails Switcher chrome extension

From May 3rd, 2019 to February 16th, 2023, 68% user give 5-star rating, 12% user give 4-star rating, 10% user give 3-star rating, 10% user give 2-star rating. for Tab Thumbnails Switcher chrome extension.

Reviews of tab thumbnails switcher:

Paul Kara February 16th, 2023
Paul Kara

It used to work with Edge, but no longer does. When you hit CTRL+TAB it reverts to the usual behaviour. You can set a hotkey under "activate extension" but the other hot key activations are missing and can't be set anymore. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling, including the additional native component, but it doesn't work. I don't see it in the Edge store, so I guess it's not officially supported?

emi mangerz January 16th, 2023
emi mangerz

Its ok, sadly, it only shows thumbnails for the last visited tabs. If i Middle click a link , i wont show thumbnail, only icon and with low res, i wanted to see all the thumbnails, even if it uses more ram.

Christina Eneroth December 15th, 2022
Christina Eneroth

Should be the default behavior. Chrome is out of the box a broken web browser in regards to Ctrl+Tab.

Andrey Porokhnyuk November 17th, 2022
Andrey Porokhnyuk

Not a bad substitute for the absent common feature. Not bad. But the main drawback is that the tab newly created by SHIFT-click, or "open in a new tab" is not remembered as the most recent. Ant that is inconvenient, because you naturally want to proceed to newly opened tabs after reading the current content.

Andrew Ohiienko July 4th, 2022
Andrew Ohiienko

Extension which I wanted whole my life!

Ravichandra C June 9th, 2022
Ravichandra C

Any thoughts of supporting this in MAC chrome browser?

Shrek May 3rd, 2022

Super perfect! Please bring this to MacOS next~ please~

Simon Booth February 6th, 2022
Simon Booth

Until the Chrome team overcome their inexplicable reluctance to build this functionality into the browser, this extension is essential to make it usable.

Ali Mez January 8th, 2022
Ali Mez

finally an extension to get thumbnails for my tabs. thank you. native component is a little scary though.

Simon Booth January 8th, 2022
Simon Booth

This extension finally makes Chrome usable. It´s insane that Google refuse to implement this functionality themselves.

George “Sonic” Drak December 12th, 2021
George “Sonic” Drak


Nathan Risto December 6th, 2021
Nathan Risto

Only shows a small number of tabs on screen. Most of my tabs were not visible or accessible through this extension. So not very useful.

Tommy Z November 10th, 2021
Tommy Z

Can't believe this is real. I hate edge force you to use `Alt+Tab` to switch to recent tabs. This solves everything

Udi Behar November 7th, 2021
Udi Behar

Works fine on Windows. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed making it to work on Mac OS.

Alex D October 7th, 2021
Alex D

Simply amazing. Have been looking for this for a long time that wouldn't read all my data on all web pages and at the same time would use the native keyboard shortcut. Thanks!

G Money September 25th, 2021
G Money

Finally - MRU tab switching for Chrome that works as expected. I don't know why this is not built in to Chrome, but thank you for creating this extension. Works just like it should, I can now switch between the most recently used tabs - works well with tab groups too!

Genesis Algorithms August 21st, 2021
Genesis Algorithms

It'a good extension but macOS support is necessary. Any plans for it the future?

Venkat Srinivasan August 13th, 2021
Venkat Srinivasan

Top extension, especially since Chrome doesnt offer any options to customize Tab switching.

Mark Radbourne July 1st, 2021
Mark Radbourne

Seriously, Microsoft have taught for years that tabbing through anything gives the last used next and yet Edge does it in tab sequence. Are you kidding me? Fortunately this extension is the answer to that. Works perfectly. The first extension I install on any Windows box I use. Thank you.

Hoang-Phuc Tran June 27th, 2021
Hoang-Phuc Tran

Can you add the option to "don't close the thumbnail preview" like the shortcut key ctrl+alt+tab in Windows?

Edward Pilbrow May 13th, 2021
Edward Pilbrow

Just fabulous!!!!

Jorge Luque May 9th, 2021
Jorge Luque

just what I wanted, like the alt tab from windows and the ctrl tab from firefox!

Hoàng Anh Lê January 7th, 2021
Hoàng Anh Lê

Thank you! The extension works just as I wanted. A little problem though. When a list of many thumbnails appear, I might want to use the up/down arrow keys to move to thumbnails in above/below rows quickly, (just like Alt+Tab in Windows does), but it doesn't work. The focused thumbnail (with white border) not moving, so I cannot switch to the tab I want.

Cristian Bontas December 29th, 2020
Cristian Bontas

Installed it just for the most recently used tab switching, works great.

Mikhail Belov December 15th, 2020
Mikhail Belov

It does the job but I'm a bit worried about result of VirusTotal check of native component: And even more there is no way you can uninstall this native component...

Simon Shkilevich July 15th, 2020
Simon Shkilevich

Apple unveiled macOS 11 Big Sur and talked about some of the improvements for Safari. In addition to native extensions, Apple is adding support for web extensions. It’s going to make it much easier to port an existing extension from Chrome - is it possible to add this native extension to safari? or at least working in chrome in macos?

Nihir Vedd November 25th, 2020
Nihir Vedd

I've spent hours trying to get this functionality and this solution is magical ?

Kenneth Fu November 16th, 2020
Kenneth Fu

Works great thank you!!, I hope there's a way to close tab easily from the tab menu, like in Windows Alt-Tab menu where you can click close button.

Mohamad Zebib July 6th, 2020
Mohamad Zebib

Can we change the thumbnail size to make it larger? this would be a great option to make Thumbnails size editable.

robert wrazen April 3rd, 2020
robert wrazen

Sorry guys, great idea but not working for me. I routinely have 50-100 tabs in a browser window at any given time. So far this is only showing me 20 tabs (5 columns x 4 rows). Am I missing something? Would love to use if it showed all of my tabs, would only need a 10x12 matrix to cover my needs.

alfred mohenu February 17th, 2020
alfred mohenu

Just what I needed!

Jordan Quinley January 27th, 2020
Jordan Quinley

Once you install the native component, this does just what it says: full ctrl+tab MRU switching with a thumbnail picker (just like alt+tab in Windows). This is exactly what I wanted. Thank you!

JAMES CAGE January 15th, 2020

Replaced ctrl-tab for switching tabs. I followed instructions to change keyboard shortcut, but that only seemed to add a new shortcut, not remove the old ones. I use ctrl-tab to change tabs all the time and don't want to lose that functionality. I don't have the time to track down how to fix this if that is even possible.

Pavol Harvanka January 9th, 2020
Pavol Harvanka

The MRU tab switch function is wonderful!

r r December 29th, 2019
r r

But at the end, it said 'Safe to remove native windows installer' or something to the effect. After that it (how to uninstall the native thingamajig) was lost in a black hole. How do I remove it (not the extension, which I love)

Ajit Singh November 12th, 2019
Ajit Singh

had been searching for this since years

Sid Sen October 28th, 2019
Sid Sen

Super perfect.Was waiting for something like this for a really really really long time

goran pecikoza September 4th, 2019
goran pecikoza

It works like a charm :)

Martin Feng September 3rd, 2019
Martin Feng

This is really fast at loading tab thumbnails. One suggestion: Could you please add a 'X' at the top right of each thumbnail, and I can click the 'X' to close the tab? So I don't have to click the thumbnails first, then move the mouse to the 'X' of the tab, or press Ctrl-F4 to close it. Thanks.

Dudi Laham July 11th, 2019
Dudi Laham

The only MRU tab switch extension that really works.

Raghvendra Singh May 3rd, 2019
Raghvendra Singh

not sure why windows keep blocking it as perfectly and remaps ctrl+tab from the default stupid setting of moving to right tab.