Reviews & Comments of Annotations Restored for YouTube™ chrome extension

From November 3rd, 2019 to March 13th, 2023, 60% user give 5-star rating, 21% user give 4-star rating, 5% user give 3-star rating, 3% user give 2-star rating, 10% user give 1-star rating. for Annotations Restored for YouTube™ chrome extension.

Reviews of annotations restored for youtube™:

superwoah guy March 13th, 2023
superwoah guy

this extension brought back my wife and kids due to how good it is

Relaxed600 February 23rd, 2023

very useful for bringing back the old youtube

anthony February 17th, 2023

pro extension

Magic Dippy Egg January 25th, 2023
Magic Dippy Egg

this works great with the return YouTube dislike I'm bringing back features that got removed and this is great for that thank you!

Will Pringles December 25th, 2022
Will Pringles

Thank you! I can watch old pewdiepie vids with the classic annotations now. Feel like a kid again.

Sam Mic December 10th, 2022
Sam Mic

Really good. Can you make a extension that brings back Creator Studio Classic next? It's ok if you can't.

Mohammed Al-Ani December 4th, 2022
Mohammed Al-Ani

EDIT: It is now working (also thanks for the reply, afrmtbl), the UI on the options menu is nice.

diana garcia November 29th, 2022
diana garcia

i love this thank you so much

Stefanos Strauss November 10th, 2022
Stefanos Strauss

This product changed my life. I can finally rest my soul and return to the golden age of youtube. Thank you.

Sunny Sky Official September 23rd, 2022
Sunny Sky Official

It was great! Was. When i updated my Chromebook it says the extension was not compatible! Please fix this, i want to watch Fukkireta!

Garfield (Bullseye) September 19th, 2022
Garfield (Bullseye)

Ive slowly been converting websites back to the the early 2010's look, and this is just a no-brainer for that. Thank you so much for this

Manny204553 September 8th, 2022

Its lovely to get back into nostalgia!

Erik Olsen September 2nd, 2022
Erik Olsen

Wow, this completely flew under the radar unlike Return YouTube Dislike. If I had known this extension existed all that time ago I would have installed it then.

BEELETH August 21st, 2022

Occasionally doesn't work for videos that I know for a fact had annotations, but whenever it does work, it works miracles. I'm always happy when old content can be preserved, even when it's just little notes or buttons on videos. Thank you so much for making this.

the wander over yonder fanboy 2010 August 18th, 2022
the wander over yonder fanboy 2010

I can now play my favorite disney channel interative games

Cthulhu's Cousin August 13th, 2022
Cthulhu's Cousin

it just says "no video playing"

armans August 3rd, 2022

this annotation is very cool! but the x button doesnt work meaning, when i click it it sends me to the video that is linked.

smqfl July 20th, 2022

awesome! but is there a way to add annotations on my own video? or atleast make an XML for my video using some kinda editor?

KJ7BZC July 10th, 2022

Wow this is awesome, just straight up works! One thing I noticed is the X doesn't seem to function on the annotations for me, but otherwise this works perfectly.

Samuel Gunter June 26th, 2022
Samuel Gunter

Works on

FloofMcFloof June 19th, 2022

its broken

Jingus Florpus May 9th, 2022
Jingus Florpus

Great extension, allows me to view the annotations as effectively as it should. However it seems to be making the font size on some annotations too large, which means they will occasionally run outside of the video I'm using them on, rendering some annotations unreadable.

Michael Washboard February 16th, 2022
Michael Washboard

Originally posted: 1/2/2022 7/5/2022: This extension had some problems when I first review it but now it's definitely improved. Annotations works and you can even restore annotations on old private videos (Must be still stored on their servers.) The new logo is nice and menu with annotation type/text info is a useful addition.

Emily April 29th, 2022

At first it worked properly, but then for some reason it just stopped working. The annotations didn't appear at all. Why does this happen?

James Owen April 16th, 2022
James Owen

The extension is really good!! But there are a few bugs... For example sometimes when the annotations show up on a video it glitches and shows up in the video i watch next, please fix this if you can

Drake W March 19th, 2022
Drake W

This works really good most of the time, thanks for making this

Santiago Ramirez March 10th, 2022
Santiago Ramirez

Is a very good plugin but i rate 4-stars because have a a problem... the "X" to close the annotation doesnt work

Ashton Davies - The World Of Wonders! November 6th, 2021
Ashton Davies - The World Of Wonders!

It's great! But I think you should update its Manifest version to v3.

Drago San November 3rd, 2021
Drago San

thank you so much, it looks a bit silly but still works for videos from 2009. crazy

Jack Cutter July 15th, 2021
Jack Cutter

it's not working on all videos could you upgrade it this is the video that it isn't working on

Markoczek TV October 27th, 2021
Markoczek TV

i cant close the annotations

Ács Zalán August 10th, 2021
Ács Zalán

its cool but i cant close them for some reason

ASnowPoff May 27th, 2021

Would rate 5 stars but the one problem I have is you can't click the x on annotations to get rid of them, and there's no way to disable annotations on certain videos. The rest is great.

mr2meows stupid (real) May 18th, 2021
mr2meows stupid (real)

not work

Devon Abbey (SonicDash57) May 12th, 2021
Devon Abbey (SonicDash57)

This is a must-have extension for those who want to see the annotations again. The only problem with this extension is that the close buttons on each annotation doesn't seem to work. If you can find a fix for that, that would be nice. Still, this extension deserves a 5 star rating.

Drake Wilson April 2nd, 2021
Drake Wilson

Pretty good! I get annotations on most videos that used to have them, and they display great Only gripe I have is that I cant close the annotations once they have popped up. I try edging up to the X but I can never click it. If this issue gets fixed, ill be sure to edit my review accordingly.

Parker “Chloe” Strickland March 2nd, 2021
Parker “Chloe” Strickland

I Love This! I only with that there was an Option to display Annotations in the Old Style. Like This:

Muroj February 20th, 2021

it's so cool to just be able to see annotations on older videos again!! only thing is that when annotations are placed at the very top of the screen, you can't actually close them for whatever reason. if a toggle could be added somewhere in or near the player that would be neat :>

cyan January 28th, 2021

Been living in an alternate reality since I got this and I never want to go back.

Micah Fleischman January 18th, 2021
Micah Fleischman

The fact that this exists and functions perfectly...yeah I'll give it 5 stars. Without this, a part of creative YouTube content would be lost forever. Epic

Ritalio December 19th, 2020

Works like a charm, but the X doesn't work and there doesn't appear to be a setting to disable it without disabling the whole extension. Otherwise, thank you for this.

Kayla “The Kalanators 2” Stokes November 21st, 2020
Kayla “The Kalanators 2” Stokes

Thank you!!!! I miss annotations so much

Roberto Smith November 13th, 2020
Roberto Smith

It tells me everytime there's a video (maybe) without annotations it bothers me with a messagebox saying: "There are no annotations loaded" and it crashes the tab in which the loaded video is in.

Harrazi Raudy October 27th, 2020
Harrazi Raudy

it works! it just.. take some time to load the annotations. i tried it with mario simulator interactive and annotation tetris, it works! tho at some point it doesnt load the annotations... welp its fine, atleast it works

Xavier mars October 27th, 2020
Xavier mars

Really don't know how to use it, it only worked once. im such a noob :(

first name last name October 24th, 2020
first name last name

it doesn't work at all. i can't play mario simulator interactive.

George B. Pryor October 13th, 2020
George B. Pryor

I can't believe this actually works, amazing.

CG19 August 20th, 2020

amazing but the x button doesn't work, probably just me but maybe not. if it's a problem with the extension i suggest you guys fix it.

Amanda Allen July 19th, 2020
Amanda Allen


Austin July 6th, 2020

Not only does it not work but I don't understand how this could possibly work... when i open up the extension i see two options named youtube annotation data and converted youtube annotation data each with empty text boxes below them and a "choose file" option. so... am i supposed to download the video or something?? i thought i just downloaded the extension and it automatically added annotations... Will be glad to revert my review if i get feedback or this gets fixed

Eli Hornberger June 26th, 2020
Eli Hornberger

More people need to use this! Not only does it work perfectly, it goes above and beyond by giving you a button to show the timestamps of all the annotations in a video!

dom64alt March 29th, 2020

Love this addon is restores one of youtube's best feature

Phuong Tran February 17th, 2020
Phuong Tran

Good idea for people who want to this to be an optional function of Youtube. Youtube should not turn this function off forever like that, don't set by default but leave it as an options to turn it on instead. There are a lot of information need to put it on the video right in the point so people will get it more easily. Thank to the developer! Those who don't know about Youtube annotation on the past will have the idea of it. And better add a function allow people - Youtuber communication to make annotation when using this extension. Or a website to do that will be good as well.

empty January 16th, 2020

Immediately after adding it, I tested it out on a video and it worked! Glad to have stayed up all night and eventually stumble upon this extension.

DarkBenjamin19 T-Pose Hunter 2 December 26th, 2019
DarkBenjamin19 T-Pose Hunter 2


Blair Parker December 18th, 2019
Blair Parker

No matter what video I tried, in or out of legacy Youtube, annotations would not appear at all. The description says it looks for annotation files automatically, so I don't know if there's something I'm doing wrong, or it just doesn't work

Felix521 November 12th, 2019

when i added it no annotations poped up, do i need to restart my pc?

Ajay Ramachandran November 3rd, 2019
Ajay Ramachandran

Thank you so much for making this possible!