Github Jupyter diff viewer is a github extension for chrome. also, it is git extension. it's a free extension , it has 36 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 0.00 from 0 rated user, last update is 977 days ago.
Show only diff of source code(python and markdown) when you watch file changed in pull request or commit. You must enter a Github personal access token in the options if you want to use it in a private repository. プルリクエストまたはコミットでファイルの変更を閲覧するときに,ソースコードの差分のみを表示します(python と markdown). プライベートレポジトリで使用する場合はオプションでGithubのパーソナルアクセストークンを入力する必要があります.
You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.
You could find more help information from github jupyter diff viewer support page.
You could send emails to publisher, or check publisher's website.
More about manifest_file of github jupyter diff viewer.
You could click to report abuse of github jupyter diff viewer.